
Creative Design Templates


Thousands of codes for your custom project


Ready to sell products online


Excellent Cost of Ownership

Custom Templates

Create your Store Online ?

Sell online your Products to the world anytime, anywhere.

Manage Store

Lets, you experience seamless features which highly integrate with store management

Smart Shopping

Always check the status of your products whenever you sell online

Easy Checkout

Enables you to experience a faster transaction which helps you for high level business

Offer Management

Offers you to manage all your goods with provided discounts or offers

Order Management

Makes your easier for purchase and shipping orders on your store

Group Customer Management

Give customers a chance to use your store and to order grouply

Coupon Management

Set your product coupons to be available for your customers

Sell Online. Sell Anywhere. Sell Everything

Promote your products online and make your customers happy by enhancing powerful shipping

Know easiest way of selling your products online.

Free Trail

Why choose us ?

Simple and fully integrated with best services and features. Create online store with Jengabazaar, so that your customers can reach you wherever they are. Each of our template is fully customizable, so that you can create your own online store beautifully.

  • Responsive Templates
  • Hosted online shopping cart
  • Powerful Shipping
  • Fast & Secure
  • Safe & Scalable

Simplified Solutions

We have great solutions for your store to be user friendly , Customer management and store management features.

We also have payment solution features that grow your business easier".

Want to know more solutions

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" Jengabazaar is one of those tools that every entrepreneur should be using. With this easy to use commerce solution, entrepreneurs save time and money, so they can focus on other aspects of their business. "

Richard, Phonicshop

" Jengabazaar is helping people who don't necessarily have the web development skills to connect directly to consumers. I see that as a real shift in the opportunities available. "

Julie, Vaticcity